This product fits original GRILL DADDY and small wooden GRILL DADDY brush. Though it offers you superior cleaning technology, even the GRILL DADDY can start to experience wear and tear over time. Your bristles may become clogged with dirt or they may wear down after repeated uses or tough scrubbing sessions. Instead of tossing out the whole GRILL DADDY and having to buy a new one, you can simply replace the brush with one of our original GRILL DADDY replacement brushes. You restore the power of your GRILL DADDY, helping you to clean your grill efficiently. You'll also save yourself a little money. Don't allow the demands of your cleaning schedule to put so much wear and tear on your GRILL DADDY that you have to replace the whole brush. Keep your brushes fresh to get the full power of the GRILL DADDY and to help it last as long as your grill if not longer.